Welcome to the ELEVENTH Weekend Blog Block Party sponsored by the FABulous blog and etsy shop, Mama's Got It Together (blog | shop). To learn more about her shop, check out my post from a couple of weeks back. Thank you Sarah! If you are interested in sponsoring a party, please email Ellie for details. Not only will you headline the party, but your ad (for your blog or shop or both!) will be including in ALL of my posts for the following week! Let's work together! XO
GIVEAWAY TIME: We would like to welcome our honorary co-host, Kait from Chickadee Says! She linked up last week and was randomly selected to co-host with us. This week we are using a Punchtab giveaway to pick another honorary co-host for next week.
Would you like to win a co-host spot for next weekend? We will definitely choose ONE but if 100 bloggers link up their Bloglovin' link, we will choose THREE so tell your blogging besties!
DID YOU KNOW? The SIX of us have created a collaborative Pinterest board where we will be pinning our blog crushes each week. We will be choosing from the Bloglovin' list so make sure you are listed there so we can crush on YOU! XO
Once again, I am THRILLED to be hosting with five amazing bloggers:
Kristin from One Organic Mama
Rachel from Can't Google Everything
Mary Catherine from Fun-A-Day
Krystal from Krystal's Kitsch AND Sunny Soirees
Lindsey from Follow the Ruels
Please "LIKE" the Weekend Blog Block Party on Facebook! You can do it right here:
Please follow the HOSTS on any list that you choose to add your link to! For example, if you want to add your Instagram link, please make sure you follow all of the hosts linked up at the beginning of the list. Don't worry, we are fun to follow and chances are we will follow you back!
Please grab the party button and slap it on your bloggity blog somewhere. Sidebar? Link up page? Up to you!
Mingle. It's so fun to make new blogging buddies. Find a few new folks to follow. It's fun and good blogging karma.
Share the love! Spread the word via Twitter, Facebook, your blog, smoke signal or carrier pigeon. More potential followers and blog friends for you! To make it REALLY easy for you, just click this button to send out a tweet now: Tweet