Hello Darlings!
With the first day of school for many people right around
the corner, I thought I would put together a basic holistic first aid kit for
those health hiccups that are bound to happen during the school year. However,
this list isn’t just for dorm life! I very rarely use ‘modern’ medicine when it
comes to being sick, and I feel that it is better for your body than the
chemical-ridden pills that are in most prescriptions. On top of that, lots of
these taste good, smell good, and are all-natural while being easy to find!
Prevent Sickness:
1. Whenever I am going somewhere where I know that there
will be germs all around, (think airplanes, classrooms) I dab a little Thieves oil on my wrists as a way to ward off sickness. Thieves, named for the grave
robbers during the black plague that wore it, is a blend of cloves, cinnamon,
lemon, eucalyptus, and rosemary, known for supporting your body’s immune
system. Make sure to check out my Preventing Spring Sickness post for more ways to prevent
2. If you start to feel a cold or a flu coming on, one great
way to get healthy before the sickness gets any further is to take a vial of
Oscillococcinum tablets. This is known to reduce how long you’re sick and also how
terrible you feel while sick.
For Stress and Anxiety:
3. I always have a Bach Rescue Remedy spray in my bag. For
someone like myself who gets panic attacks, it is a quick and easy way to calm
myself down. For more ways to relieve stress and anxiety pop over to my 5 Healthy Ways to Beat Stress post!
For an Upset Stomach:
4. Ginger is well known for settling upset stomachs (it is
diluted in ginger ale for example.) However, I like the fast acting and
delicious Organic Crystallized Ginger Chews from the Ginger People. They taste
like candy! I also highlighted these chews in my Weekend Warrior Detox post!
For Burns:
5. We have all had a run-in with an oven door or a
straightening iron. For a fast way to soothe burnt skin you can cut off a leaf
of an Aloe Vera plant and squeeze its insides onto the affected area for
relief. Also, aloe is great for sunburns!
6. Don’t have a green thumb? Lavender oil is a wonderfully
smelling alternative to aloe for burn relief. It has anti-inflammatory and
analgesic (pain relieving) qualities!
For a Sore
7. I feel like most cough drops don’t work! However, I swear
by Ricola Cough Drops (the Honey Lemon with Echinacea are my favorite)! These
all-natural cough drops are made from the best blends of herbs that work to
fight off sickness!
For Sleeplessness:
8. Not being able to sleep is one of the most aggravating
feelings. However, chamomile tea is a great, natural solution to help you fall
asleep. Tevana’s Tranquil Dream Herbal Tea is a great blend of chamomile,
lemongrass, and hibiscus for a great tasting tea that is sure to have you off
to dreamland in no time!
These holistic remedies are what are always in my home; do
you have any go-to remedies that aren’t listed here? Let me know in the
comments below!
I hope everyone has a healthy and happy school year, or work
year for that matter! And for you athletes out there, I recently posted a guide
of Holistic Remedies for Post-Workout Muscle Soreness!