Chickadee Says: Autumn To-Do List: 2013

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Autumn To-Do List: 2013

Hello Darlings!

A while back I wrote out a Summer To-Do list, which, although I didn’t check off everything on the list was really fun! Now that it is officially fall I thought I would make an Autumn to-do list and share all of my fall adventures!

1. Go on lots of fall hikes.
Being a newbie to Denver and a native New England girl, I’m excited to see my first Colorado fall! I’m really curious as to how different the changing leaves will be!

2. Create a ‘Strange But Good’ recipe.
I’ve been dying to create a recipe to link up to Laura from Sprint2theTable’s linky. My recipes, even though they are unique, aren’t exactly strange. I’m hoping fall foods (pumpkin!) might help with this!

3. Work on my arm balances for yoga.
As someone who is hypermobile, my joints are really loosy-goosey which isn’t exactly ideal for holding myself up upside down. I’ve been working on strengthening my stabilizing muscles with my personal trainer to help keep my joints in tact as I move. I’m hoping that I’m to a point that I can finally work on hanging out upside down!

4. Go pumpkin picking!
I LOVE pumpkin picking! Hopping around outside in a field trying to determine which beauty I am going to bring home is so much fun. Also, I LOVE gourds- the stranger the better, I always have to come home with a basket!

5. Go apple picking!
Just like pumpkin picking, going apple picking is so much fun on crisp fall days! I also make a killer apple pie, which tastes best with fresh apples that have basked in the autumn sunshine!

6. Check of my blog to-do list.
I have a running to-do list for Chickadee Says that I always seem to put off doing (I have lots of ‘great’ excuses). But seriously, Kait, get your act together and add an about me page!

7. Blog every day in October.
Speaking of blogging, I thought it might be fun to kick off the autumn season by blogging every day in October. There is so much fun stuff to do, fall recipes, getting ready for Halloween, and the beginning of my yoga posts!

8. Try racing another 5k (and actually RUN the whole thing!)
While my weekends are almost completely booked until December, I want to race another 5k! I had so much fun ‘running’ the Color Run with Heather, but would love to be in ‘running shape’ and finish without having to stop and walk!

9. Keep up with Instagram challenges.
I am (more than) slightly obsessed with Instagram and love doing some of the yoga pose-a-day challenges that people start but I am SO bad at following every day. I’d love to try to post at least one picture EVERY day!

10. Attend some of Denver’s fall events.
Denver has so many fun fall activities and festivals! I love exploring my new city and whenever I can bring Tink along I am one happy camper!

What is on your autumn to-do list? I’d love to hear yours in the comments below! Also, have an Instagram? Leave your link below- I want to check everyone’s out!

Remember to follow me on Instagram ,  and like ChickadeeSays on Facebook to get updates, sneak peeks, and lots more pictures of Tinkerbelle!

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Aww, these are great ideas! Love the one about the strange but good recipe!
This is a great list! I should probably take a few of these for myself lol
My recent post Liebster Award!
Blog everyday! omgoodness, that sounds really hard. I'm going to be really impressed!
My recent post My top 10 products under $5
Great list! These are definitely doable - I have faith in you! Can't wait to see you blog every day in October :)

xx Kat

Love and Ace

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