Hello Darlings!
I refuse to believe that it is fall. I know that the Autumn
Equinox is next week and that Starbucks had their Pumpkin Spice Lattes on the
menu, but I am such a summer kid and I just don’t want it to be true. However,
apparently my stomach feels otherwise, because when debating on what to do with
a Kabocha Squash for Meatless Mondays from A-Z I somehow came up with a baked
squash that tastes quite a bit like a pumpkin pie. Whoops.
1 Kabocha Squash
2 Tablespoons Brown Sugar
1 Teaspoon Cinnamon
1 Teaspoon Nutmeg
½ Teaspoon Cloves
1. Preheat your oven to 425 degrees.
2. Wash you Kabocha well and plop on a baking sheet and
straight into the oven. Yep, no holes, no slits, just whole! (Easy, huh?)
3. Let bake for an hour.
4. Take the squash out of the oven and very carefully (its
REALLY hot!) carve a small hole in the top of the squash to remove the stem.
This is just like carving a Halloween jack-o-lantern.
5. Remove the seeds, taking care to keep as much squash
flesh as possible inside.
6. Carefully scrape the sides, bottom, and cut out top of
the pumpkin to break loose the baked squash.
7. Add sugar and spices and mix well.
8. Pop back into the oven for 5-10 minutes to meld the flavors.
9. Using kitchen shears, cut a larger opening on the top of
the squash- tada! Here’s your serving dish!
10. Enjoy!
I haven’t decided whether I think this is a side dish or a
dessert. I make a similarly-sweet sweet potato mash with maple syrup for Thanksgiving
which I count as a side so who knows!
What are you looking forward to this fall? Let me know in
the comments below!
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