Chickadee Says: Happy New Year! Resolutions and One Year Blogiversary!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year! Resolutions and One Year Blogiversary!

Hello Darlings!

Happy New Year! Today marks my one-year ‘blogiversary,’ which is just crazy! I can’t believe everything that has happened this year! From moving to Denver, to getting certified as a yoga instructor, I’ve made quite a few big changes! Yesterday I posted my 13 Top Blog Posts of 2013, and thought I would start the New Year off with great intention and post my resolutions for 2014!

This is one of the first pictures I ever posted!

1. Start teaching yoga classes (eek!!)
2. Start a YouTube channel (eek again!)
3. Run consistently.
4. Travel- either in Colorado or elsewhere; find somewhere new!
5. Keep a poetry journal.
6. Take a class to learn a fun skill.
7. Make more time for those I love.
8. Continue to create and be inspired.
9. Follow through on plans.
10. Be happy!

So be ready for lots of super fun posts this coming year, starting with quite a bit of detox this month to turn over a new leaf for 2014!

Did you make any resolutions for this year? Let me know in the comments below!

Remember to follow me on Instagram ,  and like ChickadeeSays on Facebook to get updates, sneak peeks, and lots more pictures of Tinkerbelle!

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